Relief - Electronic Garden - Running Digital Visual Art Museum, Subway Line 6 Project, Seoul > Performance

'Love' is the motive of my art world

Shim, Young Churl
Performance Performance


'Love' is the motive of my art world

2000 Relief - Electronic Garden - Running Digital Visual Art Museum, Subway…

페이지 정보

댓글 0Cases 조회 249Views 작성일 22-06-06 18:00


Images of nature, society, and the universe and computer graphic images are synthesized and displayed on the monitor, and mushroom-shaped shapes are drawn with colorful fluorescent colors on the inner walls and ceilings of the train, giving the feeling of being in a fantasy space. The train is converted into an electronic garden with a variety of expression formats such as a state of the art 3D stereoscopic imaging device.


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