IN&OUT Utopia without boundaries, 111cm exhibition hall > Art Work

'Love' is the motive of my art world

Shim, Young Churl
Art Work Art Work

Art Work

'Love' is the motive of my art world

2021 IN&OUT Utopia without boundaries, 111cm exhibition hall

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댓글 0Cases 조회 738Views 작성일 22-06-13 16:09


Matrix Garden is made of stainless-steel beads with a diameter of 10cm and the surface reflects everything like a fisheye lens. Matrix Garden is a work based on Zhuangzi's Phalaenopsis dream as a motif. Zhuangzi became a butterfly in his dream and flew happily. When he woke up from his dream, he really was a butterfly. Am I a butterfly? Are you chang tzu? What is the real me? These are two vivid worlds. Transcending time and space, our appearances overlap. Each marble is a digital pixel and is infinitely replicated into a microcosm containing one world. It is a work that expresses the vast cosmic space and is touchable with the participation of the audience. When touched, it vibrates and collides against each other, producing a clean, deep, soft sound. It is an interactive garden that responds to the movement of the audience and changes the video work. Particles are created by sensing the human body, and when the artwork is touched, the viewer's appearance is concretely shown. It is the moment when one's presence and works are communicated and recognized.


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